Awaken to Infinite Potential & Happiness
An Online Retreat
Change your life
Awaken to Infinite Potential & Happiness is an online weekend retreat designed for people who want to take the next step in their spiritual evolution. It is the product of 25 years of study and experience in body / mind / spirit integration, and is focused on healing trauma and patterns from the past, balancing mind, heart and spirit, and relaxing into a life of effortless, peaceful and dynamic fulfillment.

Dissolving fear & misunderstanding
Many teaching programs focus on a deepening of spiritual practice without a real life and real world application. But during my own spiritual evolution, I realized that true effortless creation and fulfillment in life, came from the total embrace of all experience as the Self, and practicing that.
Being in the moment, & planning
The Embodiment process is designed to strip away the misunderstandings at the root of the fears that makes us feel separate from life, and taking that practice, healing, and knowledge into the world; deepening each day as the fears and obstacles fall away. This retreat is designed to help you Awaken to the Infinite Potential of Being, and learn how to embody your deepest purpose and experience Happiness and Fulfillment.